i`ve realised that the language of this blog needs to be altered. my complete confusion in languages can not get any worse, and since we no longer use this language where we are now my recent learning of new words in english would be a total waste if not.
Therese and me have arrived in Quito, Ecuador, where we are spending the next 6 months. we have already discovered the amazingly tasty icecream in this city, and yes, there is churros..
Therese and me have arrived in Quito, Ecuador, where we are spending the next 6 months. we have already discovered the amazingly tasty icecream in this city, and yes, there is churros..
anyway, before all this new encounters we had to leave behind costa rica..
I cannot really say i have a detailed story to tell about the last week in quepos, but what i do remember is that we were at the beach. and because of all this doing nothing our spanglish became more or less fluent.
some of us did some surfing.

Lory did some random planning for our trip the next week.

the tan you get from sunscreen factor 70
in between all this beaching we went to a fiesta con toros one night. im afraid there is no pictures of the bulls but i did get a rather nice one of the entertainment before. someone sayd; this would never pass in united states. but even so it was enjoyable.
and then we left. we wrapped up all our luggage in the car, left our hich-hiker in Quepos due to lack of space, and didnt stop untill we reached the crocodile-river.
Til panama til panama!

Engelsk?? Jaja, funkar det i South DakoDa så funker det vel i Ecuador og:-)
Men eg skriv på nynorsk altså:-) Og kanskje litt gresk etter kvart. Det er så mange kasus i gresk, men ting siger litt inn etter kvart.
Elles har det vore valentines dag i Noreg i dag. Huff så full min postkasse er:-) Men eg sendte eit brev då, men det kjem ikkje fram før i morgon:-)
hehe, vakje heilt sikker paa om eg hadde skrive det rett nei.. ;) har eksamen i spansk imaara, dei har sagt til therese at vi faar ikkje ta fag om vi ikkje er gode nok, dette blir meir spennande enn eg trur er bra!
min telefon er desverre ute av funksjon, noko som faar meg til aa tru at dette hadde vore ein saers travel dag viss ikkje.. :)
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